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Webinar recording: Unlocking your city’s renewable energy future – Play&learn with Leuven and Porec
In this webinar we gave an overview of the SCCALE 20 30 50 toolkit and learnt in a playful way about the experience of Leuven and Porec in the project.
An introduction to the SCCALE 20 30 50 toolkit
Thanks to this playlist, you can get a quick overview of each of the tools developed by the project!

Final report: achievements and lessons learned
An overview of the project’s results and some recommendations for future projects.

Webinar recording: Supporting the development of energy communities: which role for local and regional energy agencies?
In this webinar we explored potential roles for local and regional energy agencies in community energy projects, and presented the available tools developed by the project.
Webinar recording: How to engage citizens in community heating projects
In this session, we deep-dived into the importance of involving citizens in the decision-making process, ensuring that energy initiatives are not just for the community, but by the community.

Policy Briefing: Εμπόδια για την ανάπτυξη των Ενεργειακών Κοινοτήτων στην Ελλάδα, και Προτάσεις Πολιτικής

Policy Briefing: De uitdagingen op het gebied van burgerenergie aanpakken in Vlaanderen (België)

Policy Briefing: De uitdagingen op het gebied van burgerenergie aanpakken in Nederland

Collection of tools for energy communities
SCCALE 20 30 50 collected 40 tools that can help energy communities start off and advance. Discover them on the Energy Community Platform. Several small but handy IT- and communication tools have been bundeled in this short collection.

Community Energy Helpdesk Flyer – Greek
Σε ενδιαφέρει να ασχοληθείς με έργα κοινοτικής ενέργειας, αλλά δεν ξέρεις πού να ξεκινήσεις; ΤΟ ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΥΠΟΣΤΗΡΙΞΗΣ ΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ ΓΙΑ ΕΝΕΡΓΕΙΑΚΕΣ ΚΟΙΝΟΤΗΤΕΣ ΒΡΙΣΚΕΤΑΙ ΕΔΩ ΓΙΑ ΕΣΕΝΑ.

Community Energy Helpdesk Flyer – Nederlands
Wil je projecten opzetten voor een energietransitie geleid door bewoners, maar weet je niet waar je moet beginnen? DE BEWONERSHELPDESK VOOR ENERGIEGEMEENSCHAPPEN HELPT JOU.

Community Energy Helpdesk Flyer – Français
Vous voulez lancer des projets de transition énergétique portés par des citoyens mais ne savez pas par où commencer ? LE COLLECTIF CITOYEN DE SOUTIEN AUX COMMUNAUTÉS ÉNERGÉTIQUES EST LÀ POUR VOUS AIDER !

Community Energy Helpdesk Flyer – English
You want to launch/are launching a community energy project and you need help? Contact our Helpdesk!
Heat network: how does your home heating system look?
In this short video, you can see how being connected to a heat network works: no more boilers or gas stoves, but a new much quiter and simpler system to warm your house!
How does a heat network work?
An expert from the Buurtwarmte energy community explains how a heat network works. “The concept is quite old, but what makes it different and nicer is that we are designing it with citizens this time around”
What is Buurtwarmte?
A promotional video to get to know the Buurtwarmte energy community

Description of the SCCALE 20-30-50 pilots
Lear more about our pilot communities in this publication!
We, the power
A film by Patagonia about the citizen-led community-energy movement in Europe and the visionaries lighting the way.