Meet SCCALE replication sites: 50 shades of Assendorp

In this new episode of City Stories’ SCCALE 20-30-50 series, we talked with Olaf Heinen, a trained energy consultant who has been putting his knowledge at the service of his own neighbourhood, as part of the program 50 shades of Assendorp in Zwolle which is a Dutch replication site for the SCCALE 20-30-50 project.

A few years ago, Olaf and his neighbours wondered how they could make their 170 homes more comfortable, their heating cleaner and their streets greener. Conversations around the kitchen table led to the idea of installing a heating network owned by the residents! During this episode, you’ll learn more about:

  • Entrepreneurial activism and sociocracy
  • A small network of community heating initiatives in the Netherlands
  • A new campaign by the EU Covenant of Mayors to detoxify heating in cities!

Listen to the episode. 


Picture: Tinten Groen Assendorp