About the project
Sustainable Collective Citizen Action for a Local Europe (SCCALE) 203050 intends to bring Europe closer to its citizens by fostering the creation of energy communities, taking full advantage of the favourable EU legal framework on citizen energy.

We aim to build at least 26 energy communities, trigger the creation of 34 community projects, and develop a comprehensive methodology for the creation of energy communities that can be replicated in Europe and beyond. The methodology will be tested and validated in 5 pilot communities.
Who we are
We are a group of organisations, local governments and energy cooperatives willing to strengthen energy democracy in Europe! This project is funded by the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Union.
- REScoop.eu
- TU Delft (the Netherlands)
- Energy Cities
- Enercoop (France)
- Ecopower (Belgium)
- City of Leuven (Belgium)
- Energie Samen (the Netherlands)
- City of Porec-Parenzo (Croatia)
- Green Energy Cooperative (Croatia)
- Electra Energy (Greece)